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Sepitonic™ M3.0 is a long-acting multi-mineral chronoenergizer that can restore tone and youthfulness to the skin by “re-awakening” cellular metabolism.
The territory of ancient Persia (present-day Iran) is traditionally considered the homeland of sour cherries, however, some historical evidence indicates that cherries also grew in the Caucasus region.
Stopping time
The chemical elements zinc, copper and magnesium are not synthesized in the body, but come from outside with food, air, through the skin and mucous membranes. Gluconate and aspartate are organic forms of salts which the body can easily absorb.
Sepitonic’s active components – magnesium aspartate, zinc gluconate, copper gluconate – is a combination of minerals that help stop the onset of the aging process, which can begin even at a fairly young age. Because of them, Sepitonic enhances the energy balance of cells, provides powerful antioxidant protection and strengthens intercellular bonds in the skin, maintains its firmness and elasticity, forms normal turgor, restoring the skin’s smoothness and youthfulness.
Synergy of youth
The components of Sepitonic are selected in such a way that they can enhance the effect on each other.
Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of the skin's proteins and hyaluronic acid, and provides the strength of the matrix.

Copper stimulates cellular respiration, promotes the synthesis of keratin and collagen, forms cross disulfide bonds that prevent the skin from sagging.

Zinc has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and stimulates DNA synthesis. Therefore, Sepitonic works chronologically at each stage of the energy cascade, beneficially influencing the production of energy mediators, and normalizes fat balance.